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Burnie, Tasmania, Australia.
Mobile: 0400 958 507


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Cordell Richardson

Cordell Richardson is a 21 year old photographer that is based in Burnie, Tasmania. Photography has become a way of life for Cordell. Capturing moments of beauty drives him to pursue awesome scenes and instants of time so others can enjoy these fragments of existence also. Since picking up his dad’s camera in 2012 Cordell has progressed in leaps and bounds, winning multiple awards which has driven him to pursue further education in the art of photography. Great diversity is found in Cordell’s photographs with his repertoire stretching to many genres of imagery. Cordell encourages you to join him on his photographic journey by owning a piece of his work; your support can also be demonstrated through interaction with his Facebook page “Cordell Richardson Photography”. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about Cordell Richardson and his photographic development.

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